ongoing and forever
- WHAT PEOPLE SAY, exterior installation with blue letters at facade of Beursschouwburg, Brussels
- BELGIAN SOLUTIONS, collection of photos, book + facebook + blog
- OUTCUTS, album with soundart pieces on Surfacenoise
- TYING TO LOOK LIKE A BUILDING, photo series on Instagram, since 2015
- 6 SCORES FOR BODY, BUILDING & SOUL, A4 prints, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, print & online
- HORTA SCORES, with S.Goel, scores for Bozar, Bxl
- BRUSSELS TRACKS, self-performative guide, book + headphones, Beursschouwburg, book & online
- RIGA TRACKS, performative audio guide, Skaņu Mežs, Riga, book & online
- BERGEN TRACKS, Lydgalleriet, Bergen (No), online
- MAASTRICHT TRACKS, performative audio guide for Maastricht, online
- KORTRIJK TRACKS, performative audio-guide for Kortrijk, tourist office & online
- NO-MUSIC: new earpieces, scores for cataloge Klankenbos, Neerpelt
projects and pieces
- Athens, MIR festival, new work in public space, Nov 28/29
- Leuven, Stuk, opening of season, No Music-earpieces, Sept 27
- Darmstadt, Summer Courses/IMD, audience choreography, July
- London & online, BBC Radio 3, broadcast of No Music, the Café Oto show, streams all July
- Frankfurt, Alte Oper, Playsonic Festival, Ensemble Modern, performative intervention, together with Holly Gramazio and Rosario Talevi, 25-27 May
- London, Summerset House, Now Play This festival, various audience scores and interventions, April
- London, Café Oto & BBC, performance, "NO MUSIC - a performative rehearsal", 13 January
- exhibitions
- New York City, Queens Museum, S.T.E.P. group exhibition, "Be there, Do This", ground score, Oct 28 - Dec 2
- Berlin, C/O Berlin, EMOP, Fusee de la Motographie, My Seoul Memes, photo series, group show, Sept 29
- Warsaw, Nowy Teatre, Festival Instalakcje 7, festival and exhibition with "No Music - earpieces: techno", 18/19 Aug
- Eupen, IKOB-Museum of Conteporary Art, old and new work, group show, Aug 1- Oct10
- Antwerp (BE), Fuseum van de Motografie at FOMU: My Seoul Memes, photo series, group show, 28 June
- Lodz (PL), Fuseum of Motography at Fotofestiwal 2018, My Seoul Memes, photo series, group show, Schillera passage & Art_Inkubator, 22 & 24 June
- Liége (BE), Fusée de la Motografie, au musée de La Boverie (Recyclart), My Seoul Memes, photography, group show, 18 March
- St.Vith (BE), arsVitha Kulturforum, solo exhibition, "Belgian solution", photography, large prints, 16 Feburary - 3 March
- Charleroi, Fusée de la Motografie, Hangar Art Center/Recyclart, My Seoul Memes, photo series, group show, 9 Feburary
- Brussel, Fusée de la Motografie, Hangar Art Center/Recyclart, My Seoul Memes, photo series, group show, 11 January
- publications
- Maastricht, book contribution, "Maastricht Tracks for body and building (new version!)" in "Maastricht - Gids for zintuigen" (ISBN/EAN: 978-90-828134-0-1), Hanne Hagenaars/Marres, launch 1 Feb
- online, ArchiNed, photography, cover homepage and facebook page, Dec/Jan
teaching and lectures
- Ghent, KASK, workshop, 12-16 Nov
- Ghent, U Gent, sound, body and building, lecture-performance, 9 Oct
- Eupen, IKOB-Museum for contemporary art, voices and self-performance, 7 Oct
- Darmstadt, Summer Courses for New Music, workshop composer-performer together with Jennifer Walshe, 4-28 July
- Den Haag, Royal Academy of Art, Master Interior Architecture, INSIDE, lecture, 6 March
- Brussels, Ictus/Q-O2, workshop on audience observations & visitors scores, 2 March
- Ghent, KASK/Ictus/Q-O2, symposium Sound & Participation, lecture, 26 February
projects and pieces
- Deventer, Lebuiniskerk, interventions for choir and interactive audience
- Maastricht, Marres, lecture-performance with Rudi Laermans
- Hamburg, Kraftwerk Bille/Hallo Festspiele, audience scores, performance and publication
- Seoul, dotolim 닻올림, No-Music, performance
- London , Café Oto, performance "No-Music - a performative rehearsal"
- Lisbon, Sao Luiz Teatro, audience scores, performance & publication
- Tourinnes (BE), Chez Niesten, piece in group show The New Normal
- Brussels, Brass, Brik group exhibition, two big scale photo prints
- Seoul, SASG, studio showing, photo prints, text prints and video
- New York City, Carriage Trade, photo print at Social Photography V group show, web + exhibition
- Brussels, Botanique, framed photo prints, group show (curator Erik Kessel)
- Istanbul, Supa Salon, piece in group show "The New Normal"
- Beirut, The Hangar, "Music in 24 Pieces" in group show "The New Normal"
- Aalst (BE), CC de Werf, Belgian solutions - photos, solo exhibition - big scale prints
publications, essays, magazines, ...
- Luxembourg, Rainy Days Festival, Philharmonie, 38p. score boo, Dec.2017
- Belgian architecture magazine A+ #261, 6 pages with photos, February 2017
- White Zinfandel #7, magazine, New York, 2 photos, February 2017
- Musiktexte #149 (DE and EN), essay, 2016
- Positionen #108, essay, Berlin, 2016
- The Metropolitan Laboratory #1 (DE/EN), 8 photos, 2016
- Belgian solutions, vol II, 304 pages photobook, Luster, Antwerp, 2016
teaching and lectures
- Bremen, HFK, guest teaching "composer-performer" & "sound and image", invited by Jennifer Walshe
- Hamburg, HfMT, guest lecturer "composition and practice", invited by Alexander Schubert
- Seoul, RAT School of Art, lecture-performance
projects and pieces
- Luxembourg, Rainy Days Festival, Philharmonie, new publication/score book, audio guides for malls & performances
- Berlin, Berliner Festspiele, Martin Gropius Bau, big scale installation, social choreography
- Eupen, Meakusma Festival, audio guided sound art for landscape
- Amsterdam, Oude Kerk, nachtelijke dwalingen & Museumnacht, "Scores for the Church, the Building, the Body and the Audience", all evening intervention with choir intervention, walk performance, paper scores, sound interventions, etc. April & November 2016
- Brussels, Kaaitheater, Kortrijk, Buda, Bruges, Kaap, life soundscape for theater production Mount Takl by Heike Langsdorf
- publications, essays, magazines, ...
- Musiktexte #149 (DE and EN), essay, 2016
- Positionen #108, essay, Berlin, 2016
- The Metropolitan Laboratory #1 (DE/EN), 8 photos, 2016
- Belgian solutions, vol II, 304 pages photobook, Luster, Antwerp, 2016
teaching and lectures
- International Summer Courses for New Music Darmstadt: workshops & teaching (with Jennifer Walshe and Florian Malzacher), March & August
- Maastricht, Van Eyck, "The Drive of Walking" teaching masterclass together with Yeb Wiesma, September
- HOTEL SCORES - self-performative installation, 24h residency, ACE Air, ACE Hotel, Manhattan, NYC, 15 Nov
- NO MUSIC - a performative rehearsal, lecture performance, UnionDocs, Williamsburg, NYC, 8 Nov
- BELGIAN SOLUTIONS, book launch with new publishing house for the re-print volume 1, publisher Luster, Antwerp, Nov
- NO VIEW - EYEPIECES, group exhibition 'Socially Acceptable', inCube Arts, 314 West 52nd St., #1, New York, Nov
- residency + scholarship at Residency Unlimited, Brooklyn, NYC, Aug-Nov, 2015
- SCORES FOR BODY, BUILIDNG, STREET AND SOUL, A3 riso-print for self-performance,
Villanella/De Studio, Antwerp, Mechelsepleinfeesten, June - BELGIAN SOLUTIONS, solo exhibition - postcards & prints at Le Clignoteur, Brussels, 12-28 June
- 6 SCORES FOR BODY, BUILDING & SOUL, A4 prints, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 10-12 April
- 6 SCORES FOR BODY, BUILDING & SOUL, A4 prints, Van Nelle factory, Art Rotterdam, 4-8 Feb
- NO-MUSIC: EARPIECES, performances, Van Nelle factory, Art Rotterdam, 4-7 Feb
- NO MUSIC: EARPIECES, performance, W139, Amsterdam, 6 Feb
- NO MUSIC: EARCHESTRA, performativ composition, Ictus, Lille, 14+15 Feb
- NO MUSIC, performance, Winter School Q-O2, Bxl, 7.12.'14
- BIKE SOLUTIONS, lecture-show, Fietsbond, Pianofabriek, Bxl, 1.12.'14
- BE THERE, DO THIS, 3 works in group exhibition, Citadel Diest (BE), 27.11.-21.12.2014
- BELGIAN SOLUTIONS exhibition, Argos Art Center, Brussel 8.11.-20.12.'14
- BELGIAN SOLUTIONS exhibition, FASadE, Traverse Station Amersfoort (NL), 1.–30.11.'14
- NO MUSIC, performativ composition, Ictus, Lisbon, Antwerp, Brussel, Lille, 17.10.14-14.02.2015
• BELGIAN SOLUTIONS EXPO, vlaamse filmfestival, 8 May-6 June, Utrecht
• HOW WAS THE AUDIENCE TONIGHT?, 2-24 May, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels
• BERGEN TRACKS, 19-23 March, Lydgalleriet/Borealis Festival, Bergen (No)
• DRAG & DROP, 14+15 March, Wanderlust FestivalIxelles (Bxl)
• BELGIAN SOLUTIONS EXHIBITION, Vrijstaat-O, Ostend, till 26/3/2014
• BELGIAN SOLUTIONS, book&facebook
• HORTA SCORES, with S.Goel, scores for Bozar, Bxl
• KEINE-MUSIK: new earpieces, scores for cataloge Klankenbos, Neerpelt
• OUTCUTS, album with soundart pieces on Surfacenoise
• MAASTRICHT TRACKS, performative audio guide for Maastricht
• KORTRIJK TRACKS, performative audio-guide for Kortrijk, tourist office or online
• WHAT PEOPLE SAY, exterior installation at facade of Beursschouwburg, Brussels
HORTA SCORES, with Sujata Goel, Monsoon Encounter (Kobalt), Bozar, Bxl
KEINE-MUSIK: earpieces - print (new pieces!), scores for cataloge Klankenbos, Neerpelt
KEINE-MUSIK: earpieces - The Show, ego-active performance, residency at Q-O2, Brussels
KEIN-BILD, scores for the wall, print series, A3 project space, Birmingham
BELGIAN SOLUTIONS, book launch, MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Beursschouwburg, Brussels
BELGIAN SOLUTIONS IN 170 SLIDES, presentation, Kaaitheater, Bxl
DRAG & DROP, opening performance Tuned City, Bxl
DRAG & DROP, social choreography, Still Walking Festival, Birmingham
OUTCUTS, album release on Surfacenoise
MAASTRICHT TRACKS, performative audio guide, group show Resonance, Intro in situ, Maastricht
KORTRIJK TRACKS, performative audio-guide, Network Resonance, Flanders Festival Kortrijk
TO POOL, a card game, Kortrijk Congé
- IN STEIN, composition for recorder and guitar, Quiet Cue Galerie, Berlin
- performer for "Time has fallen asleep..." by Mette Edvardsen, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussel and Trondheim
- "How was the audience tonight?", season '12/'13 , research for development fond of VGC, Stuk, Leuven
KEIN-BILD, FRAME_exhibition, six/eighth café, Clarke Gallery, Birmingham
WHAT PEOPLE SAY, exterior installation Beursschouwburg, Brussels, first for I fail good expo, now permanently throughout the seasons 2012-2014
SOUND EXCHANGE: KORTRIJK / JERUSALEM (former Public Sounds from Kortrijk and Jerusalem, soundinstallation, Begijnhof, Festival van Kortrijk
KEINE-MUSIK: earpieces - workshop, PianoFabriek, Brussels
KEINE-PAUSE / NO BREAK + audience observations, in piano recital '492kilo'
Intro In Situ, Maastricht/NL, November Music Festival, Den Bosch/NL, Concertgebouw Brugge/BE, deSingle, Antwerp
AWARD WINNER (pianobook), ad libitum composition, Stuttgart
FÜR AUFRICHTIGES KLAVIER, concert, Glashalle Tübingen
ANNESSENS WALK for Académie Royal Des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
BELGIAN SOLUTIONS performance in Petit Wiels#2, Brussels
KEINE-MUSIK in everybodys publication, Denmark
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Burning Ice Festival, Kaaitheater, Bxl
GOOGLE DERIVE through Versailles, Dominkingdom, Bxl
playground festival with Mette Edvardsen, Leuven
SHOOTOUT, performed by Mr Probe at L'aventura / Paradox in Tilburg, de link in Tilburg, Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven and q-o2 in Brussels
LINE-UP for Maulwerker, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin
TWO GUIDED COMPOSITIONS, Dansand Festival, Oostende
SHOUTING PIECE, ICMC, Grand Central Station and Penn Station, New York
SOUNDWALKS + SHOUTING PIECE at Spor Festival, Aarhus
BELGIAN SOLUTION in Stempel Magazine, Vooruit, Ghent
PAY A DAY + SOCIAL PIECE at Borealis Festival, Bergen
KEINE-MUSIK + New Music Demonstration in RTRSRCH magazine, Amsterdam
CROSS THE LAND to greyzone, Z33, Hasselt
Combien de Sucre with Anna Rispoli, Bxl
PAY A DAY, Borealis Festival, march Bergen/NO
CD-release with DREI STEINE HOCH, ensemble Verso, Amsterdam
SHOOTOUT, Croxhapox, Ghent
performing 'letter pieces' by SHLOMOWITZ, Bravo Bxl
PLANE SHOOTING + SEPERATISM at 'the ever mass land' finissage, Bxl
SHOOTOUT (premiere) at What's next festival, Brussel
IN STEIN, played by Duo di Follia, Oaze,Lier/B
MOTELbich welcomes MoHa!, Zsennestreet17, Brussels
Greetings from DRIE PONTS, with Suede36, Bxl, postponed!
MOVE FOR A DAY, venue exchange at micronomics, Bxl
PrInterPrInterPrInter (VORSPIEL, GRETTINGS,...), Boralis Festival, Bergen/NO
explicitexplict plays Café Dada at Oranja Nights, Bxl
publication everybodys self interviews, Copenhagen
NACHGEschmack: HOTELbichs final, bxl
- Dreyer+van Eeghem/Also doch, sound and staging, Brussels, nov 08
- "or else nobody will know", perfomer for Mette Edvardsen, Rådstua Teaterhus, Tromsø, nov 08
- In Stein for git+rec(fl), HOTELbich, Bxl, oct 08
- doubblewalk composition with D.Bergé at park58 festival, Bxl, sept 08
- premiere of the composition/performance VORSPIEL for 2 performers and recorder player at rational rec /London, 4 march '08
- documentation of THE TEMPORARY INSTITUTE, including texts, videos and stuff. Book and DVD, jan-march '08
- performer in 'or else nobody will know' from Mette Edvardsen, Stuk/Leuven, Kaai/Brussels, BlackBox/Oslo, Vooruit/Ghent '07
- documentation of WALK 1-12 part of research space at 'WALK! – Spazierengehen als Kunstform' exhibition project at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, september '07
- 'schnipsen', 'klatschen zählen', 'top ten of natural numbers' and pianopieces and dancer for M.Shlomowitz, York, july '07
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5, by Mathias Koole, Brussels, Ghent, may+june '07
- IT-WALK for a paid audience, spend-it festival, Brussels, april '07
- panelist for debate on public space, EUROPAN, Hamburg, april '07
- Haltungsschaden, composition for three performers, with T.Pauwels, S. Anaraki during music performs, Netwerk, Aalst (B), ' march 07
- Ramming, 25 min soundtrack for DVD "borsht" of art-workspace nadine, march '07
- Keine Spiele mehr, performance concept with Shila Anaraki, Frascati, Amsterdam ('something raw'), Monty ('hit the stage'), Antwerp, jan.'07
- In Stein, composition for tenor-recorder + guitar, Conservatory of Ghent, feb. '07
- Lebenswege Wurmsyteme, performance, nadine, Brussels, jan.'07
- WALK 1-12, weekly walk-compositions (WALK 4 with HELLHANS), Brussels, '06-'07
- The Temporary Institute, three-month-residence project with architect Laurent Liefhooghe and sound-artist Paul Craenen at nadine,'06-'07
- website soundtrack, three pieces, for art-workspace nadine, dec '07
- essays in magazine stART, Burghausen, nov.'06
- Lebenswege Wurmsyteme, performance, Burghausen, nov.'06
- giving workshop on piecemaking at Studium-Bühne, Burghausen, nov 06
- "standing in someone else's shoes (and suit)" and "cutting a piece", performance with N. Bayens and B.Vandewalle for 'welcome back, mister Paik', Monty, Antwerp, sep.'06
- ram-ing, electronic piece, 24 min, for publication/DVD Nadine 2005, june '06
- teacher of workshop 'pas de cinq' for Ictus and BOZAR, Brussels, may '06
- The Calculators, evening program with Tom Pauwels (Ictus) at Rational Rec, London, april '06
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5 (for guitar and air-guitar) performed by Tom Pauwels/PlusMinusEnsemble at Logos, Ghent, march '06
- performer as guest member of the Maulwerker/Berlin in opera production 'Cong Su: Welt im Quecksilberlicht', direction Chen Shi-Zheng, HAU1 (Maerzmusik), Berlin, march '06, Theater Basel, april '06
- Keine-Spiele mehr, performance concept for walking audience, with Shila Anaraki at Nadine/Brussels, dec.'05
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5 (for guitar and air-guitar) at Wien Modern by Tom Pauwels, nov.'05
- Haltungsschaden, composition for three performers of the Maulwerker/Berlin, oct. '05
- Estland-Stück, instrumental composition (sop-fl-kn-cl-perc) for ensemble Resonabilis, Tallinn/Estonia, june '05.
- There are many ways of saying Gleichzeitigkeit, performance and installation with Boris Baltschun at Mediaruimte, april '05, Nadine june '05, argosfestival, sept.'05
- lectures ('body compositions'), instr.compositions (with Ensemble 2000/Copenhagen) and performances as part of the freiburg dot dk festival in Copenhagen/Denmark, march '05.
- Lauthalt (kept sound), instrumental composition (vl-vcl-cl-git-pn) for the plus-minus ensemble/London-Brussels-Bremen, performed at NADINE/Brussels and St.Petridom Bremen, march '05.
- sound compositions for two choreographies of p.a.r.t.s., at Rosas Performance space, Brussels, june and Grenoble, nov. '04.
- sauberes Projekt / HELLHANS, concept- and documentation project together with Christophe Meierhans in Geneva, aug. '04.
- nur kuckn gibs nich, installation with illustrator Rinah Lang, composer Christophe Meierhans and stage designer Christoph Ragg, gallery MatrixArtProject, Brussels, Off’04-festival, may '04.
- Stückbehauptungen gegen Behauptungsstücke (assertion of pieces against pieces of assertion), solo performance with slides/projectors, video, CDs and actions in Logos, Ghent (B), may '04.
- Keine-Spiele, sound-, movement- and projection pieces with dancer Shila Anaraki, performed in MatrixArtProject/ Brussels in april '04.
- Für aufrichtiges Klavier, piano book for the Jaques-Dalcroze Institut, Brussels, 2003/4.
KEIN-BILD, FRAME_exhibition, six/eighth café, Clarke Gallery, Birmingham
WHAT PEOPLE SAY, exterior installation Beursschouwburg, Brussels, first for I fail good expo, now permanently throughout the seasons 2012-2014
SOUND EXCHANGE: KORTRIJK / JERUSALEM (former Public Sounds from Kortrijk and Jerusalem, soundinstallation, Begijnhof, Festival van Kortrijk
KEINE-MUSIK: earpieces - workshop, PianoFabriek, Brussels
- "How was the audience tonight?", research for development subsidy VGC, Stuk, Leuven, season '12/'13
- performer in"Time has fallen asleep.." for M.Edvardsen: Marstrand vol.IV, Oslo, Fierce Festival, Birmingham, MIR Festival, Athens
- workshop on public interventions, pianofabriek, Brussels
- Tourist in Your Own City-Book at Human Cities Festival, Brussels
- HALLO 5, for air-guitar. Little Leeds Fringe Festival / Focam, Leeds
KEINE-PAUSE / NO BREAK + audience observations, in piano recital '492kilo'
Intro In Situ, Maastricht/NL, November Music Festival, Den Bosch/NL, Concertgebouw Brugge/BE, deSingle, Antwerp
AWARD WINNER (pianobook), ad libitum composition, Stuttgart
FÜR AUFRICHTIGES KLAVIER, concert, Glashalle Tübingen
ANNESSENS WALK for Académie Royal Des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
BELGIAN SOLUTIONS performance in Petit Wiels#2, Brussels
KEINE-MUSIK in everybodys publication, Denmark
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Burning Ice Festival, Kaaitheater, Bxl
- appearance in publication 'Change-makers in Brussels', HUB, Brussels
- performing "Time has fallen asleep... " for M.Edvardsen, The Jerusalem Show, Al-Ma'mal Foundation, Jerusalem
- residency at RE.AL, Lisbon, June
- performative collobaration for Alwynne Pritchard, Arthall, Bergen/NO
- performative activity in D.O.R. Gallery, Brussels
GOOGLE DERIVE through Versailles, Dominkingdom, Bxl
playground festival with Mette Edvardsen, Leuven
SHOOTOUT, performed by Mr Probe at L'aventura / Paradox in Tilburg, de link in Tilburg, Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven and q-o2 in Brussels
LINE-UP for Maulwerker, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin
TWO GUIDED COMPOSITIONS, Dansand Festival, Oostende
SHOUTING PIECE, ICMC, Grand Central Station and Penn Station, New York
SOUNDWALKS + SHOUTING PIECE at Spor Festival, Aarhus
BELGIAN SOLUTION in Stempel Magazine, Vooruit, Ghent
PAY A DAY + SOCIAL PIECE at Borealis Festival, Bergen
KEINE-MUSIK + New Music Demonstration in RTRSRCH magazine, Amsterdam
CROSS THE LAND to greyzone, Z33, Hasselt
Combien de Sucre with Anna Rispoli, Bxl
PAY A DAY, Borealis Festival, march Bergen/NO
CD-release with DREI STEINE HOCH, ensemble Verso, Amsterdam
SHOOTOUT, Croxhapox, Ghent
performing 'letter pieces' by SHLOMOWITZ, Bravo Bxl
PLANE SHOOTING + SEPERATISM at 'the ever mass land' finissage, Bxl
SHOOTOUT (premiere) at What's next festival, Brussel
IN STEIN, played by Duo di Follia, Oaze,Lier/B
MOTELbich welcomes MoHa!, Zsennestreet17, Brussels
Greetings from DRIE PONTS, with Suede36, Bxl, postponed!
MOVE FOR A DAY, venue exchange at micronomics, Bxl
PrInterPrInterPrInter (VORSPIEL, GRETTINGS,...), Boralis Festival, Bergen/NO
explicitexplict plays Café Dada at Oranja Nights, Bxl
publication everybodys self interviews, Copenhagen
NACHGEschmack: HOTELbichs final, bxl
- Dreyer+van Eeghem/Also doch, sound and staging, Brussels, nov 08
- "or else nobody will know", perfomer for Mette Edvardsen, Rådstua Teaterhus, Tromsø, nov 08
- In Stein for git+rec(fl), HOTELbich, Bxl, oct 08
- doubblewalk composition with D.Bergé at park58 festival, Bxl, sept 08
- VORSPIEL with interinterinter, de Bijloke, Gent, sept 08
- PARCOURS 1-3 with expr. walks and venue-exchange, HOTELbich, Bxl, july-oct 08
- curator and artist in residence of HOTELbich, the new venue of nadine in Schaarbeek / Brussels, july-december '08
- PARCOURS 1-3 with expr. walks and venue-exchange, HOTELbich, Bxl, july-oct 08
- curator and artist in residence of HOTELbich, the new venue of nadine in Schaarbeek / Brussels, july-december '08
- presentation of out-side-in at opening Flagey square, mp3-soundtrack for Ixelles/Bxl, july 08
- explicitexplicit concert, f.r.o.g.s. funeral, Mobile Institute, Bxl, june 08
- Responsoria 1-2-3, solo installation parcours, Gallery Spijkstraat, Gent/B, june 08
- workshop 'imagine changebility' for SUEDE36 architects and the City of Brussels, Académie des Beaux-Arts, may 08
- explicitexplicit concert, f.r.o.g.s. funeral, Mobile Institute, Bxl, june 08
- Responsoria 1-2-3, solo installation parcours, Gallery Spijkstraat, Gent/B, june 08
- workshop 'imagine changebility' for SUEDE36 architects and the City of Brussels, Académie des Beaux-Arts, may 08
- Haltungsschaden in MomentsMusicaux in Aarau/ Austria, may 08
- Tourist in Your Own City (with Varinia Canto Villa) + Urban Obstakel Walk (with Thomas Laureyssens) at Micronomics/Citymined, Bxl, may 08
- Tourist in Your Own City (with Varinia Canto Villa) + Urban Obstakel Walk (with Thomas Laureyssens) at Micronomics/Citymined, Bxl, may 08
- mymiddlenameisjohannesoliver, solo-profil, e- git+voice, recordings, myspace, march 08
- premiere of the composition/performance VORSPIEL for 2 performers and recorder player at rational rec /London, 4 march '08
- documentation of THE TEMPORARY INSTITUTE, including texts, videos and stuff. Book and DVD, jan-march '08
- performer in 'or else nobody will know' from Mette Edvardsen, Stuk/Leuven, Kaai/Brussels, BlackBox/Oslo, Vooruit/Ghent '07
- documentation of WALK 1-12 part of research space at 'WALK! – Spazierengehen als Kunstform' exhibition project at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, september '07
- 'schnipsen', 'klatschen zählen', 'top ten of natural numbers' and pianopieces and dancer for M.Shlomowitz, York, july '07
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5, by Mathias Koole, Brussels, Ghent, may+june '07
- IT-WALK for a paid audience, spend-it festival, Brussels, april '07
- panelist for debate on public space, EUROPAN, Hamburg, april '07
- Haltungsschaden, composition for three performers, with T.Pauwels, S. Anaraki during music performs, Netwerk, Aalst (B), ' march 07
- Ramming, 25 min soundtrack for DVD "borsht" of art-workspace nadine, march '07
- Keine Spiele mehr, performance concept with Shila Anaraki, Frascati, Amsterdam ('something raw'), Monty ('hit the stage'), Antwerp, jan.'07
- In Stein, composition for tenor-recorder + guitar, Conservatory of Ghent, feb. '07
- Lebenswege Wurmsyteme, performance, nadine, Brussels, jan.'07
- WALK 1-12, weekly walk-compositions (WALK 4 with HELLHANS), Brussels, '06-'07
- The Temporary Institute, three-month-residence project with architect Laurent Liefhooghe and sound-artist Paul Craenen at nadine,'06-'07
- website soundtrack, three pieces, for art-workspace nadine, dec '07
- essays in magazine stART, Burghausen, nov.'06
- Lebenswege Wurmsyteme, performance, Burghausen, nov.'06
- giving workshop on piecemaking at Studium-Bühne, Burghausen, nov 06
- "standing in someone else's shoes (and suit)" and "cutting a piece", performance with N. Bayens and B.Vandewalle for 'welcome back, mister Paik', Monty, Antwerp, sep.'06
- ram-ing, electronic piece, 24 min, for publication/DVD Nadine 2005, june '06
- teacher of workshop 'pas de cinq' for Ictus and BOZAR, Brussels, may '06
- The Calculators, evening program with Tom Pauwels (Ictus) at Rational Rec, London, april '06
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5 (for guitar and air-guitar) performed by Tom Pauwels/PlusMinusEnsemble at Logos, Ghent, march '06
- performer as guest member of the Maulwerker/Berlin in opera production 'Cong Su: Welt im Quecksilberlicht', direction Chen Shi-Zheng, HAU1 (Maerzmusik), Berlin, march '06, Theater Basel, april '06
- Keine-Spiele mehr, performance concept for walking audience, with Shila Anaraki at Nadine/Brussels, dec.'05
- Hallo 1-2-3-4-5 (for guitar and air-guitar) at Wien Modern by Tom Pauwels, nov.'05
- Haltungsschaden, composition for three performers of the Maulwerker/Berlin, oct. '05
- Estland-Stück, instrumental composition (sop-fl-kn-cl-perc) for ensemble Resonabilis, Tallinn/Estonia, june '05.
- There are many ways of saying Gleichzeitigkeit, performance and installation with Boris Baltschun at Mediaruimte, april '05, Nadine june '05, argosfestival, sept.'05
- lectures ('body compositions'), instr.compositions (with Ensemble 2000/Copenhagen) and performances as part of the freiburg dot dk festival in Copenhagen/Denmark, march '05.
- Lauthalt (kept sound), instrumental composition (vl-vcl-cl-git-pn) for the plus-minus ensemble/London-Brussels-Bremen, performed at NADINE/Brussels and St.Petridom Bremen, march '05.
- sound compositions for two choreographies of p.a.r.t.s., at Rosas Performance space, Brussels, june and Grenoble, nov. '04.
- sauberes Projekt / HELLHANS, concept- and documentation project together with Christophe Meierhans in Geneva, aug. '04.
- nur kuckn gibs nich, installation with illustrator Rinah Lang, composer Christophe Meierhans and stage designer Christoph Ragg, gallery MatrixArtProject, Brussels, Off’04-festival, may '04.
- Stückbehauptungen gegen Behauptungsstücke (assertion of pieces against pieces of assertion), solo performance with slides/projectors, video, CDs and actions in Logos, Ghent (B), may '04.
- Keine-Spiele, sound-, movement- and projection pieces with dancer Shila Anaraki, performed in MatrixArtProject/ Brussels in april '04.
- Für aufrichtiges Klavier, piano book for the Jaques-Dalcroze Institut, Brussels, 2003/4.