"In the context of the final festival of The Ever Mass Land 19-21/07/09 (successor of HOTELbich), on the National Day of Belgium, I will organize a 4 minute plane-shooting during the annual military parade and its fantastic plane parade.
Greetings from Schaarbeek, so to say. We will serve you with handy guns and pistols. (The event uses only violence of thoughts.)"
- collective and creative weapon-painting on the hands of participants
- positioning at a tribune on a street, directing the city center of Brussels, with a good view of the
procession between the high-rises of the passing planes
- shooting exercises with the hand-weapons
- reading of the the order and form of the aircraft formations
- aiming and shooting at the aircrafts, when visible between the high-rises
The following text was red out loud during the Plane-Shooting-Happening at 21 july 2009, whilst the formations flew over the center, visible for us - sitting on a mobile tribune in Rue Gallaitstraat in Schaarbeek - in between the towers of power on the skyline of Brussels. Peng!
Défilé Aérien - Luchtdefilé:
* 6 Alpha Jet en formation Arrow avec les couleurs nationales (Cazaux - France)
# 6 Alpha Jets in arrow-formatie met de nationale driekleur (Cazaux-Frankrijk)
* 18 SF 260 Marchetti en trois formations Arrow du 1er Wing (Beauvechain)
# 18 Marchettis SF260 in drie arrow-formaties van de 1ste Wing (Bevekom)
* 8 F-16 en double formation Diamond du 10e Wing tactique (Kleine-Brogel)
# 8 F-16's in dubbele diamond-formatie van de 10de Tactische Wing (Kleine-Brogel)
* 8 F-16 en double formation Diamond du 2e Wing tactique (Florennes)
# 8 F-16's in dubbele diamond-formatie van de 2de Tactische Wing (Florennes)
* 1 hélicoptère Sea King avec 1 hélicoptère Alouette III (base de Coxyde)
# 1 Sea Kinghelikopter met 1 helikopter Alouette III (Basis Koksijde)
* 6 hélicoptères Agusta A-109 en double formation Fingertip du Wing Heli (Bierset)
# 6 Agusta A-109-helikopters in dubbele fingertip-formatie van de Wing Heli (Bierset)
* 3 C-130 en formation Fingertip du 15e Wing de transport aérien (Melsbroek)
# 3 C-130's in fingertip-formatie van de 15de Wing Luchttransport (Melsbroek)
* 2 Embraer ERJ 135 et 145 du 15e Wing de transport aérien (Melsbroek)
# 2 Embraers ERJ 135 en 145 van de 15de Wing Luchttransport (Melsbroek)
* 1 Dassault DA20 du 15e Wing de transport aérien (Melsbroek)
# 1 Dassault DA20 van de 15de Wing Luchttransport (Melsbroek)