The Calculators

instrumental and body compositions on numbers, series and other formalisms
an evening concept for performances, interrupted by heavily drinking. Big time!

own pieces and stuff by others.
performed by a selection of people
out of a pool of performers, composers, musicians and freaks
around David Helbich
going by the name: The Calculators.

"Would you keep your countanance, if you were counted up by three counts, who counter every counterfeit with country-songs?
Not us.We count on you."

The Calculators 1 at Rational Rec in London, April 2006 (with Tom Pauwels and Louise Baduel) The Calculators 2 in York, July 2007 (Matthew Shlomowitz, Mark Knoop)

Programm Calculators 1:
  • Emmett Wiliams, Counting Song
  • Lois V Vierk, Go Guitars
  • Gerhard Rühm, 12! Ein Zahlengedicht
  • Counting games with the audience
  • David Helbich, aldinorm, table-tennis, aldidivers
  • Three counts in 3 languages
  • Tom Johnson, Counting Duet
  • David Helbich, Hallo 2-5
  • Questionnaire:
    • How many men? 28.
    • How many women? 26.
    • How many wear glasses? 24.
    • How many liked contemporary classical music? 27.
    • How many had had sex in the past week? 9.
    • How many were foriegners? 32.
    • How many liked contemporary classical music and had had sex in the past week? 3.
    • How many wore thongs? 4.
    • How many liked contemporary classical music, had had sex in the past week, and used sexual aids? 0.
  • David Helbich, schnipsen
  • Helmut Oehring, Foxfire Eins "Natriumpentothal"
  • David Helbich, klatschen zählen
  • Russian Doll demonstation
  • Ryan Miglavs, magic tricks with rope
  • Tom Johnson, Counting duet III

Here some pictures of the first and videos of the later:


instrumental compositions & co.


Album NYH