No View - eyepieces - Scores for Skyline contemplations

intro-active pieces developed in NYC, 2015

No View - eyepieces
Scores for Skyline contemplations
two postcards, one link, 23 instructions


First time exposed 7 - 27 November 2015 at inCube Arts gallery, Manhattan, NYC at the group exhibition 'Socially Acceptable',
together with Anna Fabricius and Sophia Hewson,
in collobaration with Residency Unlimited,
curated by Juliana Driever with the curatorial assistants by Javiera Cadiz Bedini.

postcard with QR code on the back that leads to the entire score book

back of the postcard with QR code and link that leads to the entire score book

example of the score book (smartphone version)

example of smartphone version of scores
example of smartphone version of scores

version for score book “ This whole world
and weird on top”, Luxembourg, 2016

version for score book “ This whole world
and weird on top”, Luxembourg, 2016 (sorry for the typo...)

opening inCube Arts Gallery, Manhattan, with NO VIEW and NO IMAGE on the left wall

postcards at wall in the back at the opening at inCube Arts, Midtown, Manhattan, New York, November 2015

postcards with QR code to get the scores on your mobile phone,
at inCub Arts Gallery, Manhattan, 2015


instrumental compositions & co.


Album NYH