Wake me up before you go
family constellations under attack
family constellations under attack
toy figures, a green button, speaker, bass shaker (images)
A happy playmobile family, frozen into a BBQ moment on a red field. The approaching visitor watches the situation and might feel invited to press the green button next to it. Doing so, the integrated, invisible bass shaker is triggered, "booommm", and the family-set up falls apart.
Now the visitor can set up his or her or their own situation. What constellation to choose? Who is where, doing what? Is it again daddy, who turns the beef? Is mum taking care of kiddy, or kiddy taken care of daddy?
A Familienaufstellung of the other kind. Frozen constellation, woken up by destruction. The only sure thing is the coming "booommm".
presented at the solo exhibition 'Responsaria'
presented by odradek in Gent, Belgium, from 13-15 June 2008
presented by odradek in Gent, Belgium, from 13-15 June 2008