MUSIC IN PIECES - printed DIY scores for greyish noise

Tear the placemate along the lines in the given order. 

Music in Pieces

The score is the instrument is the score. 
The audience is the performer is the audience.

“Music in 24 (30, 64,...) Pieces” is part of the series “Music in Pieces”. The series is created around the idea of a self-performing audience, where the individual listening experience is prior to the social and visual event of making a mess. 

Once the piece is performed with care and after the performing listeners have gone through a sophisticated white noise composition, they are left with exact 24 (30, 64,...) shavings of paper on the floor.  


Rip the paper along the lines in the given order of the numbers. 
  • black = as super slow as possible
  • white (red) = as speedy quick as possible

Music in Pieces was worked out for several occasions in various numbers of "pieces".
    Music in 24 Pieces, A4 and A6 print, 2016
    postcard format, first version, 2014
    part of "Scores for the Chruch, the Building, the Body and the Audience", Oude Kerk Amsterdam, 2016
        from the online platform 1000 Scores - Pieces for the Here & Now & Later

        score here:

        Tear the card along the lines in the given order. 
        Oude Kerk Amsterdam 2016, foto Ernst van Deursen

        Oude Kerk Amsterdam 2016, foto Ernst van Deursen

        Oude Kerk Amsterdam 2016, foto Ernst van Deursen

        Oude Kerk Amsterdam 2016, foto Ernst van Deursen
        IKOB-Museum of Contemporary Art Eupen, Belgium, 2018

        IKOB-Museum of Contemporary Art Eupen, Belgium, 2018

        IKOB-Museum of Contemporary Art Eupen, Belgium, 2018

        IKOB-Museum of Contemporary Art Eupen, Belgium, 2018

        for LA 21ème ( Effi&Amir), Brussels, 2017

        for LA 21ème ( Effi&Amir), Brussels, 2017
        for LA 21ème ( Effi&Amir), Brussels, 2017
        for LA 21ème ( Effi&Amir), Brussels, 2017

        in Babel, TV piece for ARTE, 2014

        a late postcard in 30 pieces at the dance school p.a.r.t.s. in Brussels, 2013

      Music in 18 Pieces (duo composition) as placemats for Concertgebouw Brugge, 2024

      Music in 20 Pieces (solo composition) as placemats for Concertgebouw Brugge, 2024


      instrumental compositions & co.


      Album NYH