6 months of residencies / exhibitions / events
check for extra blog: http://hotelbich.blogspot.com/
The new website about all the TBC projects of nadine, created by Rebecca Lenaerts: http://tbc.nadine.be/
HOTELbich was a 6 month project in 2008 by David Helbich, invited by nadine. It was all about inviting people to the rue Gallaitstraat 80 in Brussels do stuff.

The aim, to make this house a hotspot in the cultural landscape of Brussels was reached with different networking concepts:
- a strong presence on social networks, like a facebook-group and blogger,
- a regular collaboration with local organisations (>Parcours),
- creative event making with a focus on "crowd mixing",
- the overlap of friendship- and artistic relations and
- good partys!
When my curatorship in the house of the Gallaitstreet ended, I changed the name to MOTELbich, expressing the now venue-less, nomadic and mobil state of the 'organisation'.
"I am invited to invite people like artists with whom we again invite people like other artists and audience.For the communication and also our own overview we invented a set of names for different aspects of the project.
WIEDER-AUFBAU (reconstruction) is the name of a series of exhibitions.
UNTER-TAGE (subsurface) is the name for networking and collaborations of the HOTELbich.
TAGE-WERK is the daily work done under the roof of the HOTELbich.
ÜBER-TAGE is the Überbau (superstructure) of the whole."