WALK 12 took place on 9 January 2007 in Brussels.
It was the last of 12 walks, which were organized by THE MOBILITY DEPARTMENT of THE TEMPORARY INSTITUTE (Laurent Liefooghe, Paul Craenen, David Helbich) between October 2006 and January 2007 each Tuesday at 14h.
Each walk followed a different conception, often inspired by historical ideas about walking in the arts.
This WALK took about 120 minutes with a coffee break. We used earplugs for some time and - like with all our WALKS - we didn't speak during walking.
The left shows a 'run through' of the whole WALK 12 in a combination of slide show and little movies, the right shows the 'straight walk'-part through Parc Cinquantnaire.
pdf of documentation WALK 1-12