Echo-Ovations (in some spaced out thoughts and memories about acoustic impressions)



12min feature produced for the 6th episode of the podcast series Periscope by Performing Arts Department of the Serralves Museum, Porto.

"An echo is something that comes back to you, a reverb is something that leaves you."

In 2020, I contributed the first part of the piece "Echo-Ovations (in some spaced out thoughts and memories about acoustic impressions)" about my personal history with sounds in large spaces, including bits and cuts of some old cassettes with recordings of my dad.

Other contributors to the series are Gustavo Ciríaco, Osso Exótico, Sara Manente, Christina Kubisch, David Toop and more.

Invited by Pedro M. Rocha, I got inspired and wrote more than could fit in.
An extended version, which I published for the first time for the "Soundmaking" podcast series by Matthew Shlomowitz and Håkon Stene,you find here:

Or listen to the entire Serralves podcast here:


instrumental compositions & co.


Album NYH