Saturday 18/9,  15h - 19h 
1 afternoon with 3 guides, 3 gardens, 3 walks

start 15h at OKNO - Koolmijnenkaai 30 - 1080 Brussels
6 Euro

Art, science and activism intersect on this light-hearted, experimental Triangular Walk through the canal zone. Three guides lead three groups of participants round three urban garden projects and through the surrounding streets. This informative, interactive walk revolves around the food chain as a symbol for the omnipresent sub-cultural and ‘sub-natural’ processes in an urban environment. After the four-hour ‘triangular walk’ the various groups will meet up in the Open Green Rooftop Garden for the first time for the closing presentation (see artistic installations/performances).

evening program for free and open to everyone:
start concert/performance at 7.30 pm 
Open Green presentation all evening at OKNO / q-o2

From 19h30 OKNO opens its rooftop garden and Open Green-project to all. You can taste urban honey and drinks made of plants from the garden. During the Open Green presentation city bees will guide you to the city’s green spots and offer a new insight into public space. You can nibble on FoAM’s detoxifying treats to help you fight urban afflictions, spiced up with plants from the Kanal area. Q-o2 invites the sound artist Pierre Berthet for a concert using water drops as an instrument.

art.concept & organisation: David Helbich, Annemie Maes
production: OKNO, Kaaitheater
partners: FoAM, Q-o2, Le debut des Haricots, La Rue, Kaaitheater, Festival Kanal


instrumental compositions & co.


Album NYH