Check this map for a closer look!
out-side-in is a 16 minutes mp3-soundtrack for the courageous pedestrians on their way from Flagey to Naamsepoort / Port de Namur in Elsene / Ixelles:
"Climbing a mountain, overcoming temptations of shopping and leisure, squeezing and slaloming yourself through all kinds of bodily fellow-runner, passing ready-to-eat food and crossing 10 cultures.
How does it feel to be part of this urban spectacle, every day again?
Now you get the chance to test your senses and mind. And to compare your reality under the influence of an extra sound-layer. Change your way as the way changes you! Try it!"
exists as well as installation set-up with headphones and video.
out-side-in, the 16 minutes mp3-soundtrack for the courageous pedestrians on their way from Place Flagey to Port de Namur in Ixelles, Brussels: put it on your mp3-player/phone and walk it.Take care not to put it too loud. It should blend with the outside sounds! Check the map for the track numbers on the Chaussee d'Ixelles.
Put it on your mp3-player/phone and walk it.
Movements in Urban Space, exhibition text
Durant la demi-année écoulée, les artistes David Helbich et Thomas Laureyssens ont observé et enregistré avec de différents moyens les mouvements des piétons dans la commune d'Ixelles. Lors d'une exposition, ils montrent les videos, soundscapes et cartes qui en sont issu. La promenade artistique "Urban Obstacle Walk" ouvre et conclu cette exposition.
“Void” (Thomas Laureyssens) est une installation vidéo qui donne à réfléchir sur notre virtuosité quotidienne dans l'évitement des ostacles urbains.
out-side-in (David Helbich) est une bande sonore mp3 de 16 minutes destinée aux piétons courageux qui prennent le chemin de la place Flagey à la Porte de Namur.
zon-dim 06/07/’08
16:00 Urban Obstacle Walk, 17:00 > 20:00 Vernissage Expo
din-mar 08/07/’08 > don-jeu 10/07/’08
12:00 > 20:00 Expo
zat-sam 12/07/’08
12:00 Urban Obstacle Walk, 13:00 > 14:00 Finissage Expo (brunch)
Nederlandstalige Bibliotheek van Elsene, Rue Sans Souci Straat 131, 1050 Brussels
pictures of Urban Obstacle Walk, sunday, 6 july:
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urban obstacle walk, sunday, 6 july 2008 |